【浏览器插件】IE Tab
版本: 下载地址(crx文件)
IE Tab for Chrome is a browser extension that allows you to use Internet Explorer to display web pages in a tab. This is useful in many cases(情况) where a web page requires Internet Explorer features. Here are some of the many uses for IE Tab:
Display web pages that require ActiveX controls.
Test web pages with IE’s rendering engine(渲染引擎).
Use Windows Explorer view(视图) to browse the local file system(浏览本地文件系统), with full Explorer support for icons, right-click menus, etc.
Use Outlook Web Access.
Use IE-only Sharepoint features.
One-time installation steps
Step 1
Click on the ietabhelper.exe below the flashing arrow(箭头) to launch the IE Tab Helper installer(安装程序).
Step 2
Click on “Run” to run(运行) the helper installer:
Step 3
Confirmation(确认). This page will re-load(重新加载) when the IE Tab Helper has successfully installed.
Frequently Asked Questions(常见问题)
1. Why do you have this extra installation step(额外的安装步骤)?
IE Tab uses the Internet Explorer rendering engine. This rendering engine can’t be directly accessed from a Chrome extension, so we need a helper process to talk between the Chrome extension and the rendering engine.
2. Did IE Tab always require this extra step?
No. Chrome used to support a technology called NPAPI (the Netscape Plugin API) which allowed extensions to access local computer resources(存取本地计算机资源). IE Tab used to use that functionality(功能) to access the Internet Explorer rendering engine. But Chrome removed(移除) NPAPI support, so we were forced to implement(实施) a new solution, and that solution requires a separate helper executable(可执行的). From a technical standpoint(从技术角度来说), the only real change(唯一的实质性变化) is that our code moved from an NPAPI .DLL file to a helper .EXE file.
3. Is it safe?
Absolutely! IE Tab has always used native code(使用本地代码), and we have always treated the security of our 2+ million users very seriously. So you can rest assured that this helper executable is secure(安全的) and trustworthy(可信赖的).
4. Why do you require this when other solutions do not?
Some versions of Chrome may still support NPAPI, and other products may still be using it. But they won’t work for long because Chrome is removing that functionality, as you can see in this blog post about NPAPI. We work hard to ensure IE Tab is up-to-date(最新的), secure, and works on all versions of Chrome, so we have dropped the use of NPAPI completely. We recommend you stick with the up-to-date product (IE Tab) and not risk using an old product that will have compatibility problems(兼容性问题) and may have security issues(安全问题) that have not been addressed.
General Options(一般选项,勾选)
1.Enable Auto URLs
2.Open pop-up windows(打开弹出窗口) with Chrome
3.Use a full window when displaying pop-ups
4.Always open pop-ups in a new tab
5.Only open Auto URLs in IE Tab
6.Show status text(显示状态文本) for progress and links(进程和链接)
7.Enable DEP Policy(启用数据执行保护政策)
8.Enable ATL DEP Workaround
IE Compatibility Mode(单选)
If you have IE7 or greater installed, then by default IE Tab emulates(仿真) IE 7. This feature enables you to emulate different versions of IE *
IE 7 Standards Mode(标准模式)
IE 8 Standards Mode
IE 8 Forced Standards Mode
IE 9 Standards Mode
IE 9 Forced Standards Mode
IE 10 Standards Mode
IE 10 Forced Standards Mode
IE 11 Standard Edge Mode
IE 11 Forced Edge Mode
* Note: You must have the corresponding version(相应版本) of IE or greater installed
IE Tab官网:www.ietab.net