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【浏览器插件】Picture in Picture Viewer

版本:0.5 下载地址

Docks your favourite stuff(东西) in a floating mobile-view window! Including Facebook chatting, Youtube videos and Hangouts calls

1. 点击chrome://flags/#enable-panels(360安全浏览器点击se://flags/#enable-panels),在“启用面板”项下,点击“启用”;
2. 完全重启浏览器。

Please double check you have followed the instructions if PiP opens a small window and closes before you can see it.

You can choose the way you like to open a panel window, which includes:
? Click the PiP icon on the top right corner to open current tab in panel window
?Open url like “www.yoururl.com#panel” in address bar(地址栏) to open “www.yoururl.com” in panel window(面板窗口), so you can bookmark “www.yoururl.com#panel” or save it to desktop as a shortcut(快捷方式)
? Right click on a link and choose “Open Link in Panel” to open it in panel window

– Wants to know how to bookmark it?
Of course you can create the bookmark and edit it, but the secret is you can do it in a simpler way:
1. Open “www.yoururl.com” as usual
2. Addend just “#panel” to the address bar and press enter key once (twice will leads to a panel window), nothing should happen
3. Bookmark it!


? Playing online videos in a standalone(单独的) window!
? A convenient way for Facebook chatting!
? A always-on-top window for Hangouts video calls!
? Viewing websites in mobile view!

By clicking the PiP button a panel window will be created based on your current tab.

? If it is a new tab there will be a popup box(弹出框) for you to enter the url you want.
? If you are viewing a video or the url ends with .swf the video or the flash will be captured into a iframe block automatically.
? Otherwise the url will be loaded directly by the panel window, and it’s in mobile view!

? Youtube
? Twitch
Let me know if you want more.

—-Known issues—-
? *** Fixed *** Don’t do right click in a PiP window, your chrome will crash, fixed in Chrome Canary v33.0.1703.0 (Have been fixed in current Chrome Version 32.0.1700.77)
? Your should open PiP window from a video link directly instead of opening Youtube home page in panel window


Enable Mobile View for Most Sites
Enable Embed View for Video Sites
Open Current Tab On Click
Don’t show Popup

语言:English (United States)

